What sign is compatible with Capricorn? The Single Horoscope

What sign is compatible with Capricorn? The Single Horoscope
A person with the zodiac sign Capricorn is over-cautious in love. It is extremely difficult to seduce the Capricorn and he leads a quiet single life. You have to stand by him and take your time to seduce him if you want to win a single with the sign Capricorn. He doesn't like it at all when you throw yourself around his neck the first time. The Capricorn very often places his profession clearly above his private life and thus also before love. Many Capricorn singles are very successful business people who simply don't have time for love.
Daily single horoscope
Click here to read your daily horoscope today for singles with the zodiac sign Capricorn:
Capricorn and the love
Capricorn loves work and often thinks almost exclusively of work. That's why a man or woman born under the sign of Capricorn needs a partner who can sometimes distract him from his work and who doesn't take everything so seriously and accurately. For the Capricorn the professional career means a lot and they always remove all disturbing obstacles on his way to the top. They achieve this with their perseverance, concentration and patience. In addition, there is the well-known thoroughness with which a Capricorn does his work. The Capricorn would like to have lasting success, but is also aware that this can only be achieved with hard work. The Capricorn also expects this durability in love. The Capricorn is a very faithful person and exactly this loyalty he expects also from his partner. The Capricorn takes love very seriously. So, he distinguishes himself in relations by unconditional loyalty, which he demands however also himself from his partner. Capricorn marriages last a long time, because these zodiac signs have no rivals in perseverance and not necessarily especially created for a single life.
What sign is compatible with the zodiac sign Capricorn?
The Capricorn single horoscope shows: The combination of Capricorn and Taurus fits best in a partnership. Both signs are very familiar people and love security in life. One of another most compatible signs is Virgo. The partnership between Capricorn and Virgo also works very well. Both signs of the zodiac connect two strong-willed characters. Thus, a basis for an extremely stable and firm connection develops, since both pursue similar values and understand each other also without words. They also recognize the diversity of life and long for emotional and material security. They are constantly in search of adventure, requiring a certain amount of organization. Between two people born under the astrological sign of Cancer and Capricorn, the partnership is always a slowly emerging but, with proper care, a strong one. In the initial stage of the relationship, in which the trust between the two zodiac signs builds up, the basic trust can be very shaken by bad influences from outside. If the partnership survives the initial stage, both can look forward to a full and very varied bond. Both zodiac signs are always interested in saying things and not sweeping under the table, which can be very advantageous for the partnership especially in problematic or difficult moments of a relationship.