Attract a Capricorn Woman in Love + Personality of Capricorn female
Attract a Capricorn Woman in Love + Personality of Capricorn female
If you want to have a Capricorn woman in love, you need patience, humor and intelligence. Especially the intelligence plays a big role for this woman and already on the first date she will check if you can live up to her expectations. She will be very reserved at the first meeting and will not take the whole day. Time is precious for her and you have to put all your energy into it so that you can impress her. The Capricorn woman likes it when you can impress her with the beautiful things in life, but she shouldn't seem wasteful.
What does the Capricorn woman like on the first date?
If you want to conquer a Capricorn female, you need patience and a lot of humor. You have to be able to wait until she shows willingness to open up. At the beginning and especially on the first date a woman of the Capricorn family is very closed and looks quite impatient. This is because she doesn't want to invest too much time in her first meeting with an unknown person. Time is precious to them and time costs money. But she likes it when you can impress her with a certain sense for the beautiful things in life. But it is important to note that you are not too wasteful, because the Capricorn woman attaches great importance to thrift and financial security is very important to her. For the first date with a Capricorn woman a museum or an art gallery is very well suited. If you come to her with these suggestions, you can immediately earn powerful bonus points. But above all, she likes men who have something in their heads and who are intelligent. It will always also measure an advertiser according to the degree of his intelligence and judge him by it. If you manage to make them laugh, then you've almost won.
A woman who stand her ground
While the male counterpart is rather restless, the Capricorn woman personality shows clearly more inner peace and balance. While it cannot be said that she is not driven by inner goals, she usually strives more in the direction of a stable and steady relationship and wants a comfortable home with children. When it comes to love, the Capricorn woman prefers to take things a little slower, because she doesn't want to make any mistakes and therefore behaves more than reserved on the first date. But once you have broken the ice, and she feels loved, a lovable creature appears behind the sometimes-cool facade. It takes a little getting used to for many the humor of a Capricorn woman, which is usually very biting and can sometimes seem rough. But that's exactly what makes it so desirable for many people and you shouldn't let it frighten you in the first moment. Anyone who enters into a relationship with a Capricorn female has the feeling that she is like a fortress. Safe and reliable, the Capricorn woman eliminates all dangers that arise and knows very well how to stand her ground in life. The Capricorn female has a good partner on her face who brings a little more spontaneity into her life without exaggerating.